"It is the set of the sails, not the direction of the wind that determines which way we will go." - Jim Rohn Investment is the key towards Financial Independence. When we initially start earning money, our first thought will be about what to do with it. Okay, we'll have some costs, but what will we do with the excess cash? The questions that will cross our minds are whether we should keep that money in our bank account or invest it in a fixed deposit or buy assets. Investing in assets is a terrific method to put our money to good use. So what is an asset? As I have already said in my first (Path to Financial Independence) blog, Asset is something that gives us money. And Liability is something that takes money away from us. So where to invest? Some of the best ways of investing money are 1. Real Estate 2. Starting a business 3. Stock Market In this blog I will give some basic insig...
An Independent woman is a blog page of a girl who is ready to explore everything around her. On this blog I would love to write about my feelings and thoughts. I also share my travel experiences on the places I have visited and also talk about the ones I would love to visit.